If you want to go on vacation to Trevelin it is an excellent idea. There are three hundred thousand things to do and all of them are great.

Although this site does not seek to provide you with a lot of information about Trevelin from a tourist point of view, we strongly recommend you to visit this site that has more information and super updated :), in Spanish, -.-
Personal recommendations are:
Visit Los Alerces park, everything, especially the green lake.
Best lake for backpackers nature lovers -> Lago Krügger (nothing to do with Freddy)
If you like to travel by bike, bring it by plane (from Buenos Aires), it’s not expensive and renting one is a thousand times cheaper
The vineyard near the Nant y Fall is really cool if you like wine.
There are a thousand trails everywhere
The beach “The French” is for me the best, there are not many stones on the bottom of the lake and one side of the beach has protection against the wind, there are also fire pits if you want to take the grill.
I want to go on vacation to Trevelin